Prayer and Reflection Journal Designed by Sherry Elaine | Gospel Life Learning | Best Prayer Journal Recommended

The Prayer and Reflection Journal by Gospel Life Learning and designed by "yours truly" is now available at Amazon.  I chose Amazon at this time for distribution due to its affordability and dependable delivery.   I'm sharing some photos here of what the journal offers on the inside. 

 If you stay with this blog post to the end, I've added a short video from 7 years ago - where I explained the prayer and reflection method. I also explain why I emphasize three areas: 1) prayer tracking, 2) accepting God's forgiveness intentionally, and 3) releasing requests to Him.  

So let's take a look inside, but first, here is the cover:

Prayer and Reflection Journal - Available Here

On the inside, there are pages for Weekly Reflections at the beginning of each week. See the photo below: 


And these are the daily prayer pages for each week, 7 pages like these for each week. 

Prayer and Reflection Journal - Available Here

Plus extra pages for each week for personal notes:

Prayer and Reflection Journal - Available Here

And here is a quick Reel that shows the size of the book, and then keep scrolling down for the YouTube video from 7 years ago where I explain the process I teach...

If you are a fairly new reader or listener to Gospel Life Learning, or if you would like a reminder about the simple, effective prayer method that I teach in the book Closer to God: Simple Methods, Starting Today, here is a video from the summer of 2017 (seven years ago!) where I explain it. Then below that there are 3 shorter videos that explain why I emphasize certain practices within prayer. 

Prayer and Reflection Journal - Available Here

I hope you enjoy this resource and that it supports you in your time with God and time for reflection!

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 Connect with God and Purpose Online Cohorts 

anticipated to start Fall 2025

With Grace, 


Have you ever sat down to pray and felt your mind wandering? Or struggled to put your thoughts into words? That’s where guided prayer journaling for spiritual growth becomes a highly recommended practice. Writing out your prayers helps you slow down, focus, and truly connect with God.

When we take time for reflective Bible journaling for deeper faith, we’re not just reading Scripture—we’re letting it sink into our hearts. We’re asking, What is God showing me today? How does this apply to my life? Writing out our thoughts and prayers helps us process what He’s teaching us and strengthens our faith in the process.

If you’re not sure where to start, try using daily prayer journal prompts for a closer walk with God. Simple questions like, What am I grateful for today? What’s on my heart? What truth from Scripture do I need to hold onto? can guide you into deeper conversations with the Lord.

Your journal isn’t just words on a page—it’s a record of God’s faithfulness. A place to pour out your heart, surrender your worries, and grow in trust. 

Bible Sales Skyrocketing Up 22% for the Year | Gen Z says Bible is Transformative

Bible sales have risen 22% during 2025 (and that is only through October!) while Christian affiliation and church attendance have remained low. 

 This is wonderful news and evidence of the continued great revival that has swept over the US over the past two years. It's evidence that the spirit of the Lord continues to draw people to him, even when those claiming religious non-affiliation has skyrocketed; and when church attendance has plummeted. 

The younger generations (Gen Z and Alpha) are hungry for authentic discipleship, and we are all called to teach and support the things that Jesus taught. In the Great Comission, Jesus’s last instructions to the disciples before He physically left the earth, he told them to make disciples, and then to teach to them all the things that he had commanded them to do.

But how can we do that if we do not fully and deeply know all that is recorded about what Jesus taught?

Are you looking for an individual Study to start off the new year? May I take a minute to share a resource? The Words of Jesus Bible Study: 10 Weeks in the Teachings of Christ covers all Jesus's teachings in Mark and Matthew. I wrote, compiled, and revised this study over the full course of 10 years to get it to it's current edition! You can download a free sample at Amazon, I recommend the paperback version which has extra space for journaling your responses.

I hope this book brings you closer to Jesus and helps you to understand and truly know what he taught. Jesus instructed his followers to make disciples, and then to teach to them all that he had commanded them to do.  this (Matt 28:20). It’s this direct instruction - given from Jesus himself - that caused me to study deeply into all that Jesus taught, so that I would clearly know and be able to teach others what he taught. Now I can share this resource with you.


What is the Greek Word "Logos" in the New Testament book of John? The Word? |Teaching Passage on John 1:1, John 1:1-14 | In the beginning was the Word

John chapter 1 starts,  “In the beginning (arché) was the word (logos). Now these words John used are significant, especially significant to the cultural understanding of the time - and to the philosophers of the time - and the way that they conceptualized about the beginning of the world. The word arché was used to refer to origins – the origins of the universe. This word logos was also a common word and concept used in ancient Greek philosophy as well.

The word logos might be one of the most significant words in the New Testament, and yet, it’s one of these Greek words that – the way we translate it – we don’t grasp what it meant at all. We encounter this most notably in John 1:1— where we translate logos in this way -- “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” But what does logos mean? Or what did it mean to the people who lived in Jesus’ time?

I remember, before I studied the biblical Greek, I would read the passage in John 1, and I would think it’s so beautifully written – it’s like perfect poetry with perfect rhythm. But the underlying word for “the Word?”  What is that about? I immediately picture a word on a page in a book—maybe on a page of the Bible itself—or maybe the spoken words of a teacher or preacher or, yes, from God maybe like in a word bubble – going out from the one who is speaking?  But when John uses logos in his Gospel, he's pointing to something much deeper than words spoken or words on a page. So, what exactly did logos mean to the people back then, and how does that change how we read this verse today? In Greek thought and biblical theology, logos carried layers of significance in the context in which it is used in the first chapter of John.

The Roots of Logos 

So here is some background. In Greek philosophy in the time of Jesus and his disciples, logos when used in this context with origins (like it is being used here – arche (origins) and logos –it was referring to a principle - whatever it was - that was the organizing principle of the universe. Think of it as the force and reasoning behind creation—that holds everything together. Logos was used in this manner going back at least to Heraclitus, 500 years BC, who used it to refer to the order and sustaining of the cosmos. Logos continued to be used in this way across the centuries and it was present in writings Philo – a Jewish philosopher – who lived at the same time of Jesus and his disciples. One of the definitions of logos in a more general sense meant the “expression of thought,” and it conveys purposeful, active, organizational thinking and reasoning, and planning.

So clearly, when John was using this language, he was intentionally using this philosophical language. Then later – in verse 14 John goes on to explain that the Logos became a person. John 1:14  say, “The Word – the logos - became flesh and dwelt among us.” The logos put on flesh – became human – and came to live with us. And this is who Jesus was, and is.

So, when John says, “In the beginning was the Logos,” he’s teaching us that Jesus is the very expression of God. The living embodiment of who God is. As Hebrews 1:3 puts it, Jesus is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by the power of his word.” (Interestingly – the Greek underlying “word” in that passage is a different word that means utterance or command).

Closing Thoughts

Study the Words and
Teachings of Jesus

In closing, this idea of logos has a profound impact on how we live and think. This idea of Jesus being the Logos compels us to listen to what He teaches. Logos is not just a concept to admire or to analyze – it’s a reality to live by. Just as the concept of the logos was that of the organizing principle of the  universe, Jesus – as the logos gives us the instruction and representation of how we are to organize our lives -- not to organize our lives so that He controls us; but to organize our lives in a manner that allows us to flourish while we are here.  And yes – I use that word flourish intentionally – so hold on for that; because I will explain more in my next blogpost and cast which should be next week and will also be on more of this passage in John chapter 1.

So, as we think about the meaning of logos, especially around this Christmas season when we are celebrating the fact that the Logos came and was born in flesh as a baby – let’s ask ourselves: If Christ is the reason behind all that exists; how much is he the reason underlying everything that we do? Are we sharing the truth of the logos with others? Are we letting His Word shape our thoughts and guide our steps?

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Your Child's Self-Esteem | Help Child Develop Resiliency | Evidenced Based | Faith

Happy December!

For my regular readers and listeners, you know that my full time job is as a child and school psychology specialist with over 20 years of experience working with children, tweens, their teachers and their parents. 

Over these two decades, I’ve witnessed both the incredible resilience of young people,  and I am also deeply aware of the avalanche of challenges they face in today’s world

Through my work, I’ve seen how simple, evidence-based strategies can quickly transform a child’s confidence and resilience. Currently, there are SO MANY evidenced-based, effective, and simple strategies we can implement to help our kids develop resiliency in spite of these challenges. However, these are typically only learned in a private therapy room or in counseling sessions with licensed therapists.  Even when a family does have the financial resources, it's hard to find a therapist or counselor who specializes in supporting children. 

I know the incredible impact these tools can have, but I also know that many parents and grandparents simply can’t afford them or don’t have access to counselors with specialized expertise in preventative and positive child and adolescent development. 

This full reality has weighed heavily on my heart.  That is why I have created this first course as an affordable resource, blending evidence-based techniques to empower parents, grandparents, and caregivers to help their children thrive.

The four-step system I am sharing is rooted in solid psychological research. It is also infused with faith, designed to uncover your child’s  deep strengths, celebrate their successes, and empower them to build confidence and resilience. It’s also practical, proven, and easy to implement—perfect for busy families who need tools that they can readily fit into their busy daily lives. For now - the first two video trainings are available for free, so you can sample first to decide if the course and resources are a good fit for your family at this time. 

If you do wish to invest in the short course, it is now available for $16 through the end of December, and there is also a 14 day no questions asked money-back guarantee. 

If your child is not currently struggling, then this course will help you lay a firm foundation of confidence and resiliency. You will be able to "get ahead of the curve" that comes in the tween or teen years when the barrage of negative influences most commonly rise up.  

If your child is struggling, this course will re-establish their focus - rather quickly. I've personally  seen significant positive turnarounds in struggling children in as short as 2 to 4 weeks. 

Whether you’re a parent seeking ways to strengthen your bond with your child, a grandparent looking to nurture your grandchild’s potential, or a teacher, educator, or church minister longing to equip the next generation with faith and confidence, this resource and the ones that follow will be for you. It’s my prayer that the strategies you’ll find here lay a strong foundation for children who aren't struggling - so that they will continue to thrive and develop a strong sense of identity and resiliency. I also hope that for children who are struggling, real change will be achieved, not only for the child or children in your care,  but to your family as a whole.


Click Here - And Scroll Down the Page to 
Get Immediate Access to Course Videos Now


Gratefully and Faithfully, 


Click Here - And Scroll Down the Page to 
Get Immediate Access to Course Videos Now


Other books and resources by Sherry Elaine:   Author's Book Store

Exciting Updates, New Resources, and a Post-Thanksgiving Offer!


Dear Friends, 


I hope this email finds you well as we continue this beautiful holiday season of gratitude and reflection! For the past few months, I have been quietly busy over here with Gospel Life Learning, and I’m thrilled to share some exciting updates with you. When you subscribed to this email update list, I promised not to spam excessively, and I believe I have kept that promise. In fact, this is my first email of 2024; so therefore - it is a summary of the resources I've created this past year as well as a peek of what is planned next. 


1. Gems from the Greek 

The latest blog post series and teaching videos began going live this past summer! We’ve been diving deep into some of the “gems” hidden in the original Greek and Hebrew texts of Scripture. These treasures bring richness and clarity to familiar passages and offer new insights into God’s Word. If you enjoy uncovering the deeper meaning behind the words of the Bible this is a series for you! You can find most of these on the blogposts or blogcast audiocast from July,  or catch the videos at this playlist at the Gospel Life Learning YouTube channel.


2. Theology of Emotions Series Recap

Before the gems of the biblical language, we explored the Emotions, Mental Health, and The Gospel Life, beginning with a teaching on the Theology of EmotionsThis series unpacked how to steward our emotions for God’s purposes, turning what we feel into an opportunity for spiritual growth and connection. If you missed it, each segment with blogpost and audio is still available and listed on the blog  and there is also the YouTube playlist for the Emotions Series, so be sure to check it out


3. New Book Release: Words of Jesus Bible Study

It’s here! My latest book, Words of Jesus Bible Study: 10 Weeks on Christ's Teachings, is now available on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats. I also wrote a blog post about the background of the writing of the book - it took over 14 slow years to research, write, edit, and put it all together in the time I have around my full time school psychology job. The paperback version includes journaling space to respond to the reflection questions—perfect for those who love to jot down thoughts as they study. This resource is all about spending intentional time in the teachings of our Savior, and I pray it blesses you in your walk with Him.


4. New Short-Course for Parents (or Grandparents, Counselors, Children's Ministers, or Elementary Educators): Struggles to Strength

 My new short-course, Struggles to Strength: Unlock Your Child’s Confidence in 28 Days with Strength-Spotting Positive Psychology, is designed to help parents guide your children, ages 6-11, toward a stronger sense of self and confidence rooted in their God-given "deep strengths."  I wrote and recorded the course to parents; however, this course would be helpful for grandparents, counselors, children's ministers, or even elementary special or general educators who are working to support a child who may be struggling with their self-esteem or self worth. It is also for those who want to "get ahead of the curve" in their parenting or guidance of their children by helping their child establish a strong self concept and sense of confidence before the struggles occur in later elementary and middle school. 


This issue has been heavy on my heart, and about 2 years ago, the Lord put it on my heart to create affordable resources so that all parents and others are able to have access to evidence-based and faith-infused tools to help their kids navigate the current youth mental health crisis. The teachings in the course present from a general Christian worldview, simply because as the instructor - my views are deeply rooted in the Christian worldview when I discuss topics such as God given "deep strengths" and values. With that said, the course is not "overtly religious or Christian," and I believe this resource is one you could confidently recommend to anyone you know who may be looking for a way to help their child, even if the parent does not hold Christian beliefs. 


And here’s the exciting part—extending through Dec 2nd, the course is available for just $7 to personal friends and current GLL followers/supporters as part of our post-Thanksgiving sale! After that, it will gradually go up to $12, and eventually to around  $27. This is a perfect opportunity to invest in your child’s or grandchild's growth during this special season.  Struggles to Strength Course.


5. Coming Soon: Family Bible Study Series

I’m thrilled to announce an upcoming series of books designed for family Bible studies. Did you know that the number 1 activity that parents can do with their children and teens to help them establish a strong faith that continues into young adulthood is to teach them to read the Bible for themselves? It's true. Pew Research did a study of young adults who remained faithful to Christ after reaching adulthood and moving out of their parents' home. They found that the vast majority of those who continued with a strong faith had learned to read and use the Bible for themselves. 


We’ll start with the Gospel of Matthew and journey chapter by chapter through the text. This is a project I began several years ago, and for whatever reason,  I abandoned the project when it was only half written. Hopefully and prayerfully,  the first book in the series will be ready by mid-2025.  These studies will be tailored for families who want to deepen their understanding of Scripture together. Stay tuned!


Thank You for Your Support

Your encouragement, prayers, and feedback mean so much to me. Whether you’ve joined me on the blog, YouTube, or through one of my books, I am so grateful for the opportunity to walk alongside you in this journey of faith and learning.


As we wrap up November, let’s keep leaning into God’s goodness and the confidence we have in Christ. 


Blessings and gratitude,
Founder, Gospel Life Learning Ministries

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Jesus Bible Study - Words of Jesus Bible Study | Recommended Best Personal Daily Devotional Study for 2024 -25

I have been silent on the blog, blogcast, and youtube channel for the past month because I had committed to completing, editinga, nd publishing for this big project!

The Words of Jesus Bible Study: 10 Weeks on Christ's Teachings

This is a resource available for anyone who wants to fully understand what Jesus taught in a way that is instructional, personal, and reflective. 

It's a daily personal Bible study, or what is sometimes called a "deeper devotional."

I have known that I was called to teach, and specifically to teach through writing. 

Jesus told his disciples, just before he ascended to be with the Father: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Here, Jesus himself told his closest followers what it was that he wanted to be taught to others. Jesus told them, "Teach them to follow what I have taught you." It was a clear and simple instruction.  1) Teach them what I taught you. 2) Teach them to follow what I taught you. 

Now, for over a decade, the resources at Gospel Life Learning have been focused on these two main things:

1)Teaching what Jesus taught, and 

2) Teaching how to follow what he taught, or in other words, "spiritual formation." 

However, I don't like the term "spiritual formation" as it sounds too formal and stiff to me. I like to just call this "simple ways to grow closer to God." Thus, in 2018 was the release of the title Closer to God: Simple Methods, Starting Today.

The Words of Jesus Bible Study is a paperback journal-book, and it became available on Amazon just a few days ago. 

This work has been a little over 14 years in the making.  For any of you who have followed the blog all along (mostly just my parents, my husband, and my sister!) you may recall the early releases of the 14 Days Bible Studies on the Words of Jesus. 

The first one was titled Discovering God's Will: 14 Days in the Words of Jesus
The second was titled How Do We See God Working Today? 14 Days with the Miracles of Jesus
The third short title was Why Is There So Much Trouble In Life? 14 Days with the Parables of Jesus....and so on.

In the end there were 5 titles. 

The new work is a compilation of all 5 of the books, updated and revised for 2024.  At this time, it is only available on Amazon. The Kindle version can still be read for free through Kindle Unlimited.  You can also click on the Read a Sample button on the Kindle version Amazon page, and you are able to read the first 20 or so pages.  

I have such a testimony to tell outside the pages of this book. However, that is a post for another day.

In the meantime, here are the links and an image from my "proof copy" below:

With Care, 

Sherry Elaine

Esau McCaulley Interview at Biblical Literacy Class

I started my Fall Break with another weekend within the series of what I am now calling my "Mid Life Theology Weekends." Once again at the nearby Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center, I spent Friday evening and most of Saturday with Dr. Jeannine Hanger from Biola University and Dr. Esau McCaulley from Wheaton College. 

I will share today's interview with Esau McCaulley, an interview conducted by Mark Lanier, of Esau discusses his life background and how he went from a boy growing up in the poor side of Huntsville, Alabama - where families had two options - which in his own words were to grow up "in the church or on the streets." He gives a number of incredible, and humorous, anecdotes explaining how the Lord led him on a path from  to eventually studying with N.T. Wright in Scotland for his doctorate.

 If you enjoy the interview you may also like his book titled How Far to the Promised Land, a memoir which I was able to purchase the night of the final lecture.  I took it home and was up late into the night and nearly finished it the next day. For me, I read Esau's book from the perspective of an educator, (Part 1 of the book is about his experiences during the elementary through high school years) - and how we can better understand the experiences of our students who are like Esau was - kids from underprivileged backgrounds packaged with  so much potential, yet also wrapped up with a bit of trouble.  He also discusses at least two or three children's books he has written and a children's Bible he has recently authored that will be available within the next year. You can see some of the wonderful illustrations and get a "sneak peak" at some of those books during the video interview too. 

When you click on the video below, it should skip over the announcements and start right at the beginning of the interview at the 18:02 mark on the video:

I could write a few pages all that we learned over the weekend, and it was indeed eye-opening and fascinating learning.  However,  this week I have a few priority to-dos -  and the first thing on that to do list is to complete the final edits on the updated and expanded Words of Jesus Bible Study: 10 Weeks in Christ's Teachings.  The updated book will be available for order through Amazon sometime on or before next weekend, October 19th. This book is an updated and expanded version of the former book He Called: 56 Daily Studies with the Words of Christ published in 2016.  The new version is an 8x10, journal-text in paperback format, with space for the reader to write their own responses to the reflection prompts.

Enjoy the video interview with Esau McCaulley,  and check back later this week for a new post and blogcast within the "Gems from the Greek and Hebrew" playlist and blogroll - as well as the release of the revised and updated Words of Jesus Bible Study.