When We Are Blindsided by Unexpected Events

A few weeks ago I attended a Christian women's conference at my home church with the theme Unexpected.

The conference day was very powerful. God touched our hearts.  I shared my notes with someone who recently experienced something unexpected in her life.  The notes alone nearly brought her to tears, and she said that just reading the notes made her want to draw closer to God.

So I wish to share my notes here; as I'm certain that some of us have also recently experienced something "unexpected," and these notes and thoughts may touch a place in your heart too.

Always remember this verse:  And we know that God works all things together for our good, for those who love Him. - Romans 8:28

Sometimes, as Christians, we think "the unexpected" won't happen to us. Sometimes we cause others to believe this too. They think that if they become Christians, their lives will be wonderful and painless, and unexpected things won't happen to them. 

However, we must remember that God's entire plan for eternity came through events that were unexpected to those experiencing them. 

We all experience the unexpected.  But Jesus knows exactly what we need for the moment we are in. (Psalms 27:5)

Jesus hears when we pray. Psalms 18:6 tells us that when we stay with him, our cries come to his ears.

If we stay before the Lord through it, He will meet our needs...in His time.

When will the unexpected happen?
The unexpected always happens, of course....
 when we least expect it.

The blow can be softened by walking with the Lord every day – the blow can be softened, but its not eliminated.

Proverbs 16:9 tells us, "The heart of man plans his own way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

How do we deal with the unexpected? As women we want to talk to our moms, grandmoms, friends or anyone who will listen. But Jesus is the only one who can provide what we really need. Even when we don't know what we need or what to ask for, the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves.

When the unexpected causes something that deeply hurts us or harms us - Remember this:
What the enemy uses for harm, the Lord will use for good, when we walk with Him, return to Him, or stay with Him through it. (Genesis 50:20)

When things happen that we do not understand, remember 1 Corinthians 13:12 – "Now we see imperfectly, but then we will see clearly."  We don't understand now why the unexpected happens. But we will, in the future, see how God uses all the events in our lives to weave our lives together.

God knows the next chapter in your life, and He prepares you for everything you will face. Sometimes He uses "the unexpected" to accomplish this.


If you would like to learn simple, practical ways to walk closely with God every single day, then we recommend Closer to God: Simple Methods, Starting Today. 

If you are looking to learn more deeply and fully about what Jesus taught, then we recommend, Words of Jesus - Bible Study on Christ's Teachings

The author also interacts with her readers on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/GospelLifeBooks

Find all books and ebooks from this blog author at:  https://www.amazon.com/Sherry-Elaine-Evans
